Indonesian Language Project
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  Package Descriptions

There are three packages of listening comprehension lessons, designed for students at the Intermediate-Low, Intermediate-Mid, and Advanced levels of listening skills. All three packages contain the demonstration lesson, Latihan untuk Pemula. See below for descriptions of the package contents.

Package 1 contains six Intermediate-Low listening comprehension lessons that are recommended for students in the 3rd or 4th semester of study.

Demonstration lesson: Latihan untuk Pemula

  1. Bertamu: This lesson is based on the film, Saputangan dari Bandung Selatan, which is set in the city of Bandung, West Java in the 1940’s.
  2. Butuh Duit: This lesson is based on the film, Badut-Badut Kota.
  3. Minum Lahang: This lesson is based on the television serial, Si Kabayan Mutiara Cinta, which is set in a village in West Java.
  4. Kisah Banguk: This lesson is based on the semi-documentary film, Kisah Banguk, which is one of the segments from the film, Anak Seribu Pulau: Kisah Anak Indonesia.
  5. Sakit: This lesson is based on a clip from the comedy, Plong (Naik Daun).
  6. Telepon: This lesson is also based on a clip from the comedy, Plong (Naik Daun).
Teaching Points: In these lessons students learn and/or gain exposure to language functions, expressions, and cultural notes such as the following:
  1. How to express language functions such as: invite a friend, offer informal greetings, give advice, express sympathy, express disbelief, chide someone, and express annoyance.
  2. How to use expressions such as: lain kali saja, …soalnya, maaf, sori, bukan X….lagi, dasar + adjective, and hus!.
  3. Gain an understanding of cultural practices such as: the use of informal registers, address terms for spouses, visiting and telephone etiquette, social position of the teacher in a community, beliefs in spirits, and the formation of abbreviations.


Package 2 contains seven Intermediate-Mid listening comprehension lessons that are recommended for students in the 4th or 5th semester of study.

Demonstration lesson: Latihan untuk Pemula

  1. Belajar Silat: This lesson is the first of three lessons based on the television comedy series, Si Kabayan Mutiara Cinta, which is set in West Java.
  2. Kang Kabayan Bingung: This is the second lesson based on the television comedy series, Si Kabayan Mutiara Cinta.
  3. Ujang Makan Singkong: This is the third lesson based on the television comedy series, Si Kabayan Mutiara Cinta.
  4. Konflik Pasangan: This lesson is based on the film, Plong (Naik Daun).
  5. Bertamu: This is the first of two lessons based on the film, Saputangan dari Bandung Selatan, set in the city of Bandung, West Java in the 1940’s.
  6. Surat Cinta: This is the second lesson based on the film, Saputangan dari Bandung Selatan.
  7. Berpacaran: This lesson is based on a clip from the television series, Doaku Harapanku, Episode 6.

Teaching Points: In these lessons students learn and/or gain exposure to language functions, expressions, and cultural notes such as the following:

  1. How to express language functions such as: show approval; express disbelief, shock, and sympathy; accept and refuse offers; persuade; invite; and sequence events.
  2. How to use expressions such as: kata orang; nah; pokoknya…titik; boleh saja, asal...; yang penting kan,….; apa salahnya…; masya allah; lho, kok…; and ngomong-ngomong.
  3. Gain an understanding of cultural practices such as: use of informal registers; influences from local languages; non-verbal clues; student-teacher relationship; and dating customs.


Package 3 contains seven Advanced listening comprehension lessons that are recommended for students in the 5th or 6th semester of study.

Demonstration lesson: Latihan untuk Pemula

  1. Ayah Pergi: Bagian A: This is the first in a series of three lessons based on the film, Ayahku.
  2. Ayah Pergi: Bagian B: This is the second in a series of three lessons based on the film, Ayahku.
  3. Arman dan Pak Agus: This is the third in a series of three lessons based on the film, Ayahku.
  4. Pengantin Baru: This lesson is the first of a series of three lessons based on the film, Kejarlah Daku, Kau Kutangkap.
  5. Ketangkap Deh!: This is the second lesson in a series of three lesson based on the film, Kejarlah Daku, Kau Kutangkap.
  6. Peluk Gengsi: This is the third and final lesson based on the film, Kejarlah Daku, Kau Kutangkap.
  7. Dapat Duit: This lesson is based on film, Badut-Badut Kota.

Teaching Points: In these lessons students learn and/or gain exposure to language functions, expressions, and cultural notes such as the following:

  1. How to express language functions such as: open, close, and maintain a conversation; place blame; politely refuse; and politely make a request.
  2. How to use expressions such as: saya harap; begini; maka; tidak usah; terima kasih; dulu X… sekarang Y; X sih X, tapi Y; baru X... sudah Y; sebetulnya, ya….Tapi…; kalau tak salah; kalau…… ya, sudah; and gara-gara.
  3. Gain an understanding of cultural practices such as: the importance of body language; the concepts of ilmu, melamar, and membalas budi; divorce and the role of the penghulu; and the power of spirits.